Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Not just A blog about Spirulina Powder

News on Spirulina PowderSuperfoods: F - J

Another press release titled, "Antioxidant pills may benefit chemotherapy patients" reported that antioxidant supplements may help increase cancer survival rates, tumor response and the patient's ability to tolerate chemotherapy, according to a researcher at the University of Illinois.
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Superfoods: F - J


But there is another benefit- when you rub your abs in a clockwise position you are encouraging proper bowl movement, this relives constipation and allows you to have the proper bowl movements/ Constipation is what usually causes water retention, and weight gain (fat deposit!)
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According to research by the Discovery Health Channel, 50 percent of children do not get enough exercise to develop healthy heart and lung systems. Furthermore, 78 percent have at least one heart disease risk and 20 to 30 percent are already obese. Adults are in even worse shape with 64 percent not getting enough exercise to maintain healthy heart and lung systems, 24 percent never exercise, and more than 45 percent are overweight.
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Organic Wheatgrass Seeds
Echinacea Powder
Dead Sea Spa Hydrated Hair Santa Sack


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More Great Holistic Resources.

Reviews of Raw FoodsBarley Grass

The most important thing to remember to keep an eye on what you are doing - keep a food diary and keep track. Food diaries are very helpful to us, and are not just for calorie counters. Now before you say "But thin Sally doesn't use one, why should I?" -- 'Thin Sally' obviously doesn't have a food problem. Thin Sally probably already eats healthy and in moderation & is probably physically active to boot. Those wanting to lose weight on the other hand DO have a problem and need to work on it. You may not be aware of what you are putting in your mouth.... that popcorn & soda at the movies... the couple of mouthfuls of cheese at the grocery shop stand. You need to put in everything and work from there.
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Barley Grass



There are a variety of dangers associated with the consumption of high levels of fish oils. Increased bleeding time may create risks for cerebral vascular accident and epistaxis (nose bleed).12,13 Fish oils have recently been shown to increase LDL levels and thus potentially predispose to cardiovascular disease rather than prevent it.14 Depletion of body reserves of vitamin E used to stabilize these highly reactive oil molecules (potential steatitis, yellow fat disease, may result but is prevented with vitamin E supplementation -- the dose required being up to six times normal levels), free radical and peroxide generation from the spontaneous degradation of these oils, and over-consumption of heavy metals (mercury etc.) and chlorinated hydrocarbons or toxins which may concentrate in fish oils.15,16Since fish are higher on the food chain than plant sources of omega-3, the risk of toxin concentration is of course greater. Although linolenic acid is believed to be approximately 1/5 as effective in some therapies as EPA derived directly from fish oil (since it must go through enzymatic steps to convert to EPA), many would argue that this is the preferred source of omega-3 fatty acids since this dietary source could simply permit the body to regulate its own requirement for EPA. 17,18

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Weight Loss

Sig Kabai successfully quit smoking and has not touched a cigarette since. Learn more about the surprisingly easy way you can quit smoking for ever at
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Weight Loss

Oakland Tribune - New pasteurization regulations have raw food growers heated

Sun, 02 Dec 2007 08:00:00 GMT
December 2, 2007 -- SAN FRANCISCO - Vinicio Penate crunches down on a piece of dehydrated almond bread at Cafe Gratitude's central kitchen in San Francisco, on a break...

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Only by ensuring that each and every link in the toxic cycle is addressed can we break the toxic cycle. Many doctors also suggest that you drink plenty of lemon water, and ...

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The latest Informaiton on Nutrition

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Tue, 29 Apr 2008 00:00:00 EDT
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Deconstructing the Many Faces of “Organic”

Tue, 06 May 2008 17:56:53 EDT
Calcium phosphates (monobasic, dibasic, and tribasic)....

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