Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Health and Wellbeing Info

Horny Goat WeedDoes Your Income Affect Your Health?

Our level of income directly affects our health. Did you know that? How much money you make helps to determine how healthy you will be. Doesn't really make sense, if you don't' look at the broader picture. In the big picture, however, here is the view: you are educated, have a degree, and are exposed to tons of information during your college years. You are exposed to health classes, athletes, and all sorts of professional people who already understand the importance of health in your life.

You graduate college, your income levels are quite nice, and you have the opportunity to purchase magazines, health and fitness of course. Can you see how your education and intelligence levels affect your health now? This is a generalization that has proven itself time and again. All you have to do is observe your developed countries versus the third world, underdeveloped countries. Standard of living and health are directly related. Past the consideration of intelligence development, our level of education and income plays a tremendous role in our ability to educate ourselves about the health options we should exercise. Affordable fitness centers are one of the nicer privileges of higher income. Most fitness centers provide their customers with individualized weight and exercise programs that further advance the customer's health.

Having higher income levels provides us with access to fitness centers, better choices for our eating patterns, and better medical care. It is in the final section of the previous sentence that there is found a real benefit of higher income, in direct relation to our health. Higher levels of education and income almost always have access to better medical care. The availability of better care, whether it is through better company paid insurance, life in a metropolitan area versus rural area, or simply being able to afford a more specialized doctor when the situation warrants.

In most cases, higher income families live in more populated areas, with access to better doctors and larger medical facilities. Often their employers have nurses or doctors that are retained, if not on staff, as emergencies warrant. If the evidence presented above is not enough to satisfy your curiosity concerning the role income plays in our health, take the time to visit the US Census. This information is available through the internet. There you will find all kinds of statistics, from income averages in areas of the United States, to education levels in those same places. Also available is information related to the household. Check for yourself. You can see a direct relationship in many areas of the country between income levels and health statistics for that area.

It is sad indeed, that many of the people who are in the greatest need are not able to get that need met. Socialized medicine as been studied as a possible solution to our some of our health problems, but when studied in detail, socialized medicine really does not improve the level of health for the population, it just makes medical care free and generally of less quality.

Author: Jenny Gill is an international author with vast experience in a diverse range of subjects, for more information visit www.wellnessandfitnessyte.com

About the Author

Jenny Gill is an international author with an immense range of knowledge and skills in a wide range of areas. Jenny is a mother and a grandmother and devotes a lot of her time supporting the aged in her community.

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Lifestream Spirulina Tablets for nutrition

Healing3 Quick and Easy Healthy Recipes for Kids

Junk food just looks good doesn?t it? I mean it?s colorful, cream-filled, and just down right pleasing to the eyes. Take for example what my kids want for breakfast every morning. Without doing any name dropping here ? it?s cream-filled, has sprinkles and has the word sundae in it. I mean come on, what kid wouldn?t want that first thing in the morning, right?

We, as parents, have a lot of competition out there when it comes to trying to get our kids to eat healthy. Instead of caving in and throwing our hands up in frustration, let?s get creative shall we and make healthy recipes for kids?

Think about the foods that your kids beg you to buy at the grocery store. How can you make the same thing that is fun and yummy looking, right at home with healthy ingredients instead? It is possible! Part of it is just the packaging. Oh, those cute little characters they throw on there that our kids just can?t resist. Or those free little toys that you have to buy 5 boxes AND send in money for shipping and handling. You just gotta love those advertisers!

So, maybe we can?t create cute little boxes and bags with free toys inside. (Well, I guess you actually could if you wanted to, but who has the time for that!) What we can do is make food fun. Here are 3 quick and healthy recipes for kids that I think your little ones will eat up in no time. They can also make these with you, which in their eyes will make it taste better already.

Fruit Kabobs - Now this is one colorful recipe and so much fun to make!

Small cluster of green or red grapes



Apple (any kind)

Wooden Sticks

Take the grapes off of the stem, split the tangerine into sections, slice the apple and banana. Alternate pushing each piece of fruit onto the wooden stick. Lay the sticks on a decorative platter and serve.

Monkey Mix ? This is an on-the-go snack. It?s great for kids? lunches too.

3 cups Cheerios

1 cup banana chips

1 cup flaked coconut

1 cup chocolate chips (substitute raisins if you?d like)

Mix all the ingredients together. Keep it stored in a gallon Ziploc bag.

Fish in a Pond ? This is such a fun recipe to eat. Finally kids can play with their food!

Goldfish crackers

4 celery stalks, cut off leafy tops

? cup cream cheese (low-fat is good to use)

1 drop blue food coloring

Put the cream cheese into a bowl and add the drop of food coloring to make it look like a pond. Put goldfish in a separate bowl. Give the kids a piece of celery and let them dip it into the cream cheese pond and then go fishing by sticking it into their bowl of goldfish. Make it a game to see how many fish they can catch.

Those are some fun recipes aren?t they? Try them out and definitely get your kids in on the action. Next time your little monkeys gets hungry, tell them to go grab a scoop of monkey mix.

Tanner Bradstreet is a wife and mother of three children who challenge her on healthy eating habits daily and her organizational skills. Click here for even more healthy recipes for kids.

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