Saturday, December 20, 2008

Recent information on Yerba Mate Leaf

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Beagles, Nectar of the Gods, writing, and Yuletide festivities.

Sun, 07 Dec 2008 09:50:18 EDT
The boys are perfectly well behaved, however, when you open the back door to let them into the yard, it doesn't matter how bad they need to go to the bathroom or w hen the last time there were out was. ... . . . . So yeah 7:30 ready or not. Thank the goddess for Yerba Mate tea. Nectar of the gods....

Spirits in Stone

Sun, 30 Nov 2008 19:24:19 EDT
They contributed to the growing wealth and power of the Jesuit order by producing yerba mate, the dried leaf that when chopped and mixed with hot water becomes mate, b...

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