Thursday, December 18, 2008

The latest Informaiton on Holistic Remedy

Our thoughts on Aloe VeraOrganic Peat Free Compost

7. Eat some organic food every day. Include at least one food that is organically grown in your daily diet. It would be ideal if all the fruits and vegetables we consumed were organically grown, but there are not enough organic farmers to supply us with all our needs. The next best thing is to include at least one food that has been organically grown. They will provide the final link with natural nutrition which each of us must maintain.

8. Cook vegetables quickly and in very little water. The value of food, which is created in the growing process, is easily destroyed in the process of cooking. All foods should be cooked far less than is the habit in most homes today. Very often the water in which they are cooked is more valuable to your health than the vegetables themselves.
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Organic Peat Free Compost

Psyllium Husk & Powder

Thank you in advance, for helping people, by helping our future. In particular, my children, both born and yet to come, and their children.
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Psyllium Husk & Powder

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