Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Not just A blog about Hemp Seed Oil

21 beauty presents: from budget to blowout - Times Online

Tue, 16 Dec 2008 14:12:31 GMT

21 beauty presents: from budget to blowout
Times Online, UK - 2 hours ago
Known for its moisturising (rather than mind-bending) properties, the Body Shop Hemp lip conditioner is a bargain buy at £4 www.thebodyshop.co.uk Mid-range: ...

Medical marijuana remains illegal in many ways, confusing both ... - MLive.com

Sun, 14 Dec 2008 23:59:00 GMT
Stuart Bauer | The Flint Journal Charles Snyder III, 31, of Flint uses marijuana to ease the pain his Nail-Patella syndrome. FLINT, Michigan -- Sitting in a doctor's waiting room ...

Holistic HealingManage Your Diet To Manage High Blood Pressure

When you are suddenly attacked and down with an ailment like blood pressure high or low it is the time for reflection.

Every aspect of your life needs a through examination. A first-time blood pressure attack will make you physically weak and mentally exhausted. It is the disease of the physical body. After you learn about its existence, it will become the disease of your mind as well. The attack will continue to haunt you, day in and day out.

With high blood pressure, you need to be very careful with the food you eat. ?Diet control? shall be your watchwords from today. To eat or not to eat will be the question that you are going to put, before consuming any item. For, slightest of neglect on your part can welcome the other diseases like heart diseases and diabetes which are waiting in the wings to ambush you. They are even more dangerous than your blood pressure.

Follow all the lifestyle changes suggested to you by your doctor. Avoid all fried food and food items that have more carbohydrates. The items that you are going to take should not add more stress to your blood flow. Rather they should clear the impurities in the arteries and cells. The waste material in the body needs to be expelled out. The seasonal fruits and vegetables can do you no harm if taken judiciously. Go for the food items that have lots of fiber content. You need to avoid constipation at all the costs. So always eat the food that is easy to digest.

There is no medication as such for blood pressure. That is to say, tonics and tablets are not going to find a permanent cure for your blood pressure. But your will power for self-improvement, self-control, a regulated diet will go a long way in reversing the trends that brought you to the brink of blood pressure. Bad lifestyle habits such as taking heavy breakfast meals three times a day has to be given up. Instead multiple meals in small quantities are going to help you. So give more importance to fruits and salads. This will help your overall digestive process.

All in all, the first and the foremost step in managing the high blood pressure begins from diet management only. Healthy lifestyle changes including the diet changes play a major role in improving the blood pressure condition.

About the Author:

To get more info on bloodpressure, Bloodpressure and health and Food visit http://www.blood-pressure-updates.com/bp/

Hemp Seed Oil TopicsSinus Health

The Vegetable Group � A general range of 3-5 servings per day from the vegetable group is recommended. Vary vegetable selections since different types of vegetables provide different nutrients. Serving size is generally � cup of cooked vegetables or one cup of raw vegetables.

The Fruit Group � A range of two to four servings per day is recommended. A serving size generally is � cup chopped, cooked or canned fruit, or one medium sized apple, pear or orange. Fruit drinks don�t count.
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Sinus Health

Optimum Source Chlorella Tablets

The author, Winston Ng, is an avid peak performance coach and CEO of Phenogy Health Advisors Pte Ltd, based in Singapore. His Health Consultancy programmes are renowned worldwide for their efficiency, simplicity and independent unbiased advice. The Phenogy Health Concierge� is unparalleled internationally in providing cutting edge Natural Health Alternatives to the busy individual who needs viable options to invasive surgery, dangerous synthetic pills and overpriced ineffective therapies!
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Optimum Source Chlorella Tablets

Saw Palmetto

Positive thinking goes a long way to ensuring that you remain motivated at all times, instead of looking at your diet in a negative way such as thinking of all the things that you cannot have, instead turn it to more positive thinking by considering how much fitter and healthier you will be on your new diet and change to your lifestyle.
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Saw Palmetto

Cola Nuts


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