Monday, September 29, 2008

General Health article

Pines Wheatgrass Tablets TopicsBone Health

Improving the diet by including lots of raw greens, fruits and vegetables, jucing is best as the body can assimulate and digest liquids much easier and faster than eating raw fruits and vegetables whole. There is a wide variety of books and recipes on jucing with many excellent and delicious recipes.

Reducing or eliminating refined sugar, white flour products, hydrogenated oils and saturated animal fats is a definite plus not only to help clear acne but make major improvements to your health as well.

After a cleanse and improvement to the diet you are giving your body back the ability to heal. For your skin pure organic skin care products that feed nutrients to the skin will help in the healing process of existing damage that much faster.
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Bone Health

Fullers Earth Powder

PH measures the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. Is the balance between positively charged ions, which are acid forming and negatively charged ions, which are alkaline forming. The pH scale ranges from 0, being pure acid to 14, being pure alkaline. At a pH of 7 the solution is neutral which means the water contains equal amounts of positive or acid forming ions and negative or alkaline forming ions. If, for example, the pH is 6.2 it would mean the solution is acidic and there are more positive ions (acidic forming ions) than negative ions. Our body pH sits at 7.36, which is slightly alkaline.
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Fullers Earth Powder


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