Sunday, May 18, 2008

Not just A blog about Roobibos

Holistic HealingBodybuilding and Nutrition

Nutrition is one if not the most important element in bodybuilding. This is the source for your body?s energy, muscle regeneration and muscle growth that is the purpose of bodybuilding. Without a proper nutrition and diet, a level of performance cannot be reached and the progress will be immaterial.We will now focus on what are some of good bodybuilding nutrition?s basics. Improve your body?s growth and metabolism with frequent but smaller feedings. An increase in metabolism means that your body will burn fat.

Another reason for having more frequent meals a day is the following. If not fed for about four hours straight, the body will start feeding in muscular tissue and believing this is the start of a starvation period, it will start to accumulate calories and fat. This is surely not something you would want when you are trying to become a successful bodybuilder. Letting the body get used to a fixed calorie level, will lead to a plateau and your muscle development and growth will stagnate. What you have to do in order to avoid this situation is cycle the calorie levels for example five days of high levels of calories followed by two with a low calorie level for those seeking muscle growth. If you are looking to burn fat and gain muscle mass at the same time, just do the opposite with five days of low calorie content meals.

What you are aiming for is a very good balance between the necessary nutrients that your body requires. If you find you have a deficit in one area, even out you vitamin and mineral levels with the help of vitamin and food supplements. Also, balance your meals to contain the right amount of carbohydrates, protein and a lower level of fats. There are many ways that you can create your meals to best suit your purpose, but always remember to include these three nutrients or else the results of your program will fail to appear.

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Tue, 06 Nov 2007 10:10:20 EDT
Roobibos tea w/ginger & vanilla & buckwheat honey A cut-up red pear....

Roobibos Reviews and information

Fri, 21 Mar 2008 19:59:01 EDT
Tue, 06 Nov 2007 10:10:20 EDT Roobibos tea w/ginger & vanilla & buckwheat honey A cut-up red pear....

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