Thursday, April 10, 2008

The latest Informaiton on Nutrition

NutritionHealthy Diet: Eat Healthy in a Seedy Way

Did you know? Seeds can be an excellent source of fiber, selenium and vitamin E, and fairly good sources of protein, zinc, and iron as they contain a concentrated source of fat and calories, it is best to enjoy them in small amounts (1/8 - 1/4 cup), 3-4 times a week. Let us know about the common seeds which can be added to your nutrition list;

  • Flaxseed: It has been a part of healthy diet for thousands of years. And recently its popularity has increased because of its health benefits. These seeds have to be ground before you eat them to help the body to utilize their nutrients fully.
  • Hemp Seeds: These seeds are delicious, with a nutty flavor. But what is amazing about them is that these seeds come from the same plant that produces marijuana. But hemp seed does not contain THC or the psychoactive ingredient in pot, so you don't have to worry about becoming a drug addict.
  • Pumpkin and Squash Seeds: These seeds with a chewy, pea nutty flavor make a pleasant snack year-round.
  • Sesame Seeds: It adds a crunchy texture to many Asian dishes. They are often sprinkled on steamed veggies, added to salads, sprinkled on breads and tossed into stir-fries. These nutty tasting, oval-shaped seeds are often ground into a paste called tahini. This paste is a staple ingredient in many Middle Eastern foods such as halvah, hummus, soups and sandwiches.
  • Sunflower Seeds: These seeds come from the huge head of the sunflower. These delicious seeds and the sunflower kernels make tasty additions to trail mix, granola, stuffing, and baked goods.

Now let us know the nutritional value of these seeds according to the registered dieticians:

Nutrition Information

Flaxseed: 1/4 cup Calories: 224 Fat (gr.): 18 Fiber (gr.): 12 Protein (gr.): 8

Hemp seeds: 1/4 cup Calories: 162 Fat (gr.): 10 Fiber (gr.): 1 Protein (gr.): 11

Pumpkin & Squash seed in shell, roasted: 1/4 cup Calories: 71 Fat (gr.): 3 Fiber (gr.): 4 Protein (gr.): 3

Pumpkin & Squash seeds, roasted: 1/4 cup Calories: 187 Fat (gr.): 16 Fiber (gr.): 2 Protein (gr.): 9

Safflower seeds roasted: 1/4 cup Calories: 130 Fat (gr.): 10 Fiber (gr.): 2 Protein (gr.): 4

Sesame seeds in shell, roasted: 1/4 cup Calories: 141 Fat (gr.): 12 Fiber (gr.): 3 Protein (gr.): 4

Sesame seeds roasted: 1/4 cup Calories: 182 Fat (gr.): 15 Fiber (gr.): 6 Protein (gr.): 6

Sunflower seeds roasted: 1/4 cup Calories: 207 Fat (gr.): 19 Fiber (gr.): 4 Protein (gr.): 6

There are a variety of dishes in which seeds can be added. Some of the seeds, like squash and pumpkin varieties can be eaten with or without their outer husk or shell. Safflower and sunflower seeds have a tough coat that must be removed before eating. Seeds can be eaten alone as a snack or added to rice dishes, salads, homemade breads and muffins, stir-fries, trail mixes, yogurt, granola, cereal and oatmeal. Be innovative, add seeds to your dishes and enjoy good health and good taste!_________________________________________________________________

The author addresses health and fitness related issues. If you wish to seek help for your healthy lifestyle and fitness related problems, you can log on to for more information and advice.

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